Awards and Recognitions


  • Best oral presentation award, Klemen Motaln, 29th Conference of the Serbian Crystallographic Society, June 2024, Ruma, Serbia

  • Poster presentation award, Matic Belak Vivod, HERCULES School: Neutrons & Synchrotron Radiation for Science, February–March 2024, Grenoble, France


  • Edward C. Henry Award for the best paper published in 2022, Mirela Dragomir, The Electronic Division of the American Ceramic Society, October 2023, Columbus, Ohio, USA

  • Third place at the Student Paper Contest – Posters, Olha Sanko, 29th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society, September 2023, Portorož, Slovenia

  • Poster presentation award, Erik Uran, Solid-State Science & Research meeting – SCIRES 2023, June 2023, Zagreb, Croatia

  • CCDC Award for best short oral presentation, Klemen Motaln, 29th Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting – SCCM29, June 2023, Topolšica, Slovenia

  • Best presentation award, Erik Uran, 29th Slovenian-Croatian Crystallographic Meeting – SCCM29, June 2023, Topolšica, Slovenia


  • Third place at the Student Paper Contest – Lectures, Erik Uran, 28th Annual Meeting of the Slovenian Chemical Society, September 2022, Portorož, Slovenia

  • Award for the best presentation by a young scientist, Klemen Motaln, 28th Croatian-Slovenian Crystallographic Meeting – CSCM28, September 2022, Poreč, Croatia

  • Best poster award, Erik Uran, 20th European Symposium on Fluorine Chemistry – ESFC 2022, August 2022, Berlin, Germany

  • The best student oral presentation, Erik Uran, International Congress of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Bosnia and Herzegovina – ICCCEB&H 2022, July 2022, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • Best contribution in nanosciences and nanotechnologies award, Klemen Motaln, 14th Jozef Stefan IPSS Conference, June 2022, Kamnik, Slovenia